Every new website comes with that awkward moment when you try to fix a typo in the backend and it doesn’t change on the front end. Infuriating! You are experiencing a cache and it annoys everyone. But why is the internet doing this to you?
To simplify, a cache is the memory of elements your browser uses to save time. For example, your website logo is the same on every page. Do you want to wait for it to download each time you move to a different page? No, of course you don’t. See? The cache is just the internet trying to help you.
Just because the internet is trying to smother you with love doesn’t mean it’s not wrong sometimes. Like all lovers, it’s going to remember your mistakes and then use them against you in the future. Like with that typo you keep trying to correct.
Never fear, there is a way to deal with the internet’s aggressive love and it’s called clearing your cache. It’s like the “turn it off and back on again” of the internet troubleshooting world. I use the phrase “clear your cache” so frequently that I’ve considered adding it to my email signature. You can clear your browser cache (on most browsers) by holding down the shift key and hitting the “reload” button (it looks like the circle in the image on the left!) at the same time.
You may also be able to use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Mac: Shift+Command+delete
Windows: Shift+Ctrl+delete
Unfortunately, your browser is not the only thing that has a cache. If you clear your browser cache and the typo remains, you could also be experiencing a firewall, network, cellular or wifi cache. It could be anything! Isn’t that fun? Oh internet, does your aggressive love know no bounds?
While the cache prevents more problems than it creates, that is hard to appreciate when you’re looking at a cached typo. Luckily, if you take a break (and maybe an adult beverage) the cache will likely clear when you check it again in a few hours.